Author: Megan and Amanda Boccardi
This past week we had the opportunity to help a family during undoubtedly the worst time in their lives. While the event made news media headlines, it hit our hearts more than anything. Unlike many of our other blood/bio jobs, homicides and suicides are our most sensitive and heartbreaking calls. Not only did a family lose a loved one or loved ones unexpectedly, but emotions are on the rise including shock, denial, anger, and sadness. While we are not therapists by any means, we are programmed to be that shoulder to cry on, to be that ear, and to be that company that comes in and makes the event look like it never happened.
Many jobs we take on are emotional, but this one this past week took a toll we have not had to endure just yet. A family was brutally killed in a home, including small children, and it seemed so unreal. Blood found its way in just about every room of the home describing an event no one should ever witness or be a victim of. Our company is very well known across the United States, and most definitely in St. Louis. That being said- the police department in charge of this investigation told the family to contact us, Bio-One STC, and gave them our phone number. The P.D. knew if we were called that the home would be remediated and not a drop of blood would be left.
Twenty man hours later working into the night, our crew finished the scene. Looking over the home multiple times to make sure we did not miss a thing, we left knowing we made a huge difference in the family's life. We kept it together knowing what happened to make such a huge job, and we put our heads to work. Many people may wonder how in the world we could have handled this job, but there is one important thing they will never understand unless they do what we do- we helped a family during the utmost tragic and painful time of their lives, and by what we did- we may have just eased the pain even if so slightly.
Thank you!