Author: Megan and Amanda Boccardi
When telling people what we do for a living, we usually get the same response, and it goes something like this- "Wow! You clean up crime scenes? How do you do it? I cannot imagine." Crime, trauma, suicides, homicides, hoarding, defecating accidents, staff infections along with any and all infectious airborne diseases/contagious contact diseases have been happening for hundreds of years. Who used to clean and disinfect homes, buildings, cars, and any other surfaces affected by any of the above bio-hazards? I think for years people just splashed some bleach on blood and feces, wiped it all up, and called it a day. Now that we as a society are more educated and there seems to be more strands of infectious diseases that plague our world, companies like us are needed and very much wanted.
What exactly does Bio-One do? I like to inform people that we do not JUST clean up crime scenes, although the St. Louis area keeps us busy with those. We work with families of the elderly who are sick and either bleed tremendously throughout their home or defecate in copious amounts among their home and need it cleaned up properly. Hoarding keeps us busy in the St. Louis area, especially in the summer time when smells become more conspicuous and code enforcement and neighbors become more aware. Decompositions are very prominent in the St. Louis area due to suicides and death by natural causes that go undiscovered for days. Blood and bodily fluids that form in the body and around the body cause major damage to the structure of the home- let alone the indescribable smell that WILL not go away without our help. I also never thought I would be a pro at catching those annoying maggots that form on and near the body once the body decomposes for many days at a time. Yes, I said maggots- and yes nothing really grosses us out anymore and we always enjoy the challenge.
Bio-One also prides themselves in supporting the Thin Blue Line (Law Enforcement). Just this week we remediated a patrol car at one of our local police departments- a prisoner had fallen causing a laceration on his head which in turn he bled on the fabric of the rear seat of the officer's vehicle. We responded and remediated the vehicle at a very low cost- we charge police departments just enough to cover our expenses. No profit is attempted to be made from police departments when we clean their jail cells, interview rooms, and vehicle fleet. Giving back to those who protect us on a daily basis is not only important to Bio-One, but our way of life.
Do you have a cat urine smell problem? How about a rodent feces problem in a crawl space, attic, basement, or throughout your home? How about mold? We remediate mold with our chemicals and make sure it is remediated properly due to how dangerous mold can be. Are you a landlord and your tenant left the home in a filthy disgusting condition? It is amazing what our team and chemicals can do and how they can make a home sparkle. What about disgusting odors such as tobacco smoke? We come and wipe off the walls with apparent tobacco stains, run our ozone machine for hours, and do whatever else is necessary to get rid of the strong odor.
If you have an issue and are not sure if Bio-One STC can help, just CALL us at 636-279-9570. If we cannot help (rarely happens), we can at least help point you in the right direction. Remember our motto– Help first, Business second!